We would like to point out, that we work ONLY with Legal Established Agency in the United States and Europe.

Once we have all the legal documents required for the adoption, we do the follow up with the El Salvador Government agency in charge, to have the child desired. (New born available, to be understood from birth up one year, by the time the legal process and the physical possession takes place) wich means going through the court system to get the approval for the adoption, and the American Embassy.

As part of our services, when the time comes to come for the child, one of our English speaking staff member, will work with the couple to make the arrangements for accomodations, picking up at the airport and going to the required places at all times, untill departure time, as a new family.

  During the last few years, starting with the signing of the Peace Accords in 1992 and the institutionalization of democracy, El Salvador has undertaken a process of economic and social development, placing itself in an outstanding position within the international community.  
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